Saturday, August 26, 2006


Ms. Ann Coulter delivers some pretty scalding comments....


RP said...

I love how she claims America has killed "thousands upon thousands of terrorists in Iraq," and likens any Iraqi civilian to terrorists within the first two paragraphs. The logic behind her argument could have worked for Rwanda too: had America cared about the 800,000 people that were slaughtered in Rwanda, like they seemingly cared about the Kurds being slaughtered by Saddam Hussein, there would have been thousands upon thousands of Rwandan Hutus chanting Death To America, and seen as potential terrorists. Would that have made the machete-wielding fascists any more of a threat to the rest of the world? Likely not.
Whatever the case, I'd really like somebody to explain to me how the world is becoming safer because of the ongoing Iraq war, because I've never imagined anti-American sentiment to be as popular as it now is. And while we're at it, explain how Iraq will be a safer place for Iraqis when America leaves, and how the middle-east in general will produce fewer threats to Western society.

Rocketman1200 said...

1. Rwandan machete artists certainly aren't much of a threat to the western world.

2. Saddam Hussein was a sponsor of not only domestic terror, but international terror - he financed palestinian suicide bombers, and while it's been largely covered up by MSM, he did in fact finance Al-Qaida and various other Islamic terrorist groups. And his money bought more than machetes.

3. Anti-American sentiment has had highs just like these before. Think about when Eastern Europe was being consumed by communism, or Western Europe by fascism. There was plenty of talk about "Imperialist" America and capitalist pigs, etc. etc. People opposed America in the Korean War, the Vietnam War, in hindsight, many of those people think that America was 'disproportionate' in its use of force when it ended WWII!! But think about how things would have been had they not intervened and done some things that were viewed as unpopular at the time...

Rocketman1200 said...

In fact, it could be said that, if anti-americanism is peaking at any point in history, then America is probably doing something right ;)